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Saturday, 16 November 2013

"Business Development Group" Company profile Presentation in English

Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce my self,
My name’s Arga.  As you know I am the secretary of business development Group, which is based in Semarang. It is my privilege today to be here to present my company profile for you. I have been working for this company for 10 months. I will cover  areas. First, I will explain the profile ofmy company and companies that are in the business development group. Second, I will talk about why you should use My company services.
I’d like to begin this presentation by talking about the profile of my company. Business Development is a company specialize in consulting services, our services including consulting services on accounting, tax consulting, training and management training, audit, and development of Information Technology. The company was established in 1974 named Drs. A. Budidarmodjo & Asc. The company specialize in the field of taxation. And then Our company worked with Leonard, Mulia and Richard, aregistered public accounting firm from Jakarta. Later in 1981, the company expandedto Business development group with established company specialize in the field of programming by name PT Sumber Central Data Internasional. My company’s head Office is at Jl. Marina 8 Semarang and representative office at Jl. Kedoya Akasia Raya Blok C-1/No. 2 Taman Kedoya Baru, Jakarta Barat.
And this brings us to the second area, that is “why you should use My company services”. I have a few points why you should use our services:
1.       Our tax consultants are certified Brevet A, Brevet Brevet B and C so that they havethe competence to deal with individual taxpayer, national companies, and multinationals, including international taxation.
2.       Our professional staff helps clients to organize and develop as well as planning, the organization and the control of the company effective and fully integrated.
3.       Our tax consulting firm and registered public accounting firm are the largest in Central Java and Jogjakarta.
4.       Our company supported by professional programmers with expertise as a business process consultant and programmer, we are ready to provide the best business solutions for business community
To sum up, there are three area in my company profile. I hope we can cooperate in the future. Thank you for listening so attentively.  If there are any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.

Name    : Timotius Arga Radiansa

NIM       : 13.61.0005